How many of you, if your computer systems were taken offline and you could not access any information or use any of your technology, would be able to function normally?
Maybe you could for a day. What about for a week? A month? What if you could not get your information back and had to start over from scratch? How much would that cost? Could you recover?
Initially, when these attacks started to be published in the news it was all about customer records being exposed. While this is a compelling news story and a major problem for many businesses, it isn’t necessarily where the biggest problems come from.
Some industries are going to be more likely to be targeted than others.
But we need to keep in mind that the majority of hackers are after one thing: Money
By keeping that in mind it becomes really easy to see that almost all of us are a target for hacking. The method may, however, be different.
If you are a company that has a lot of personal information on your customers, clients or patients, then you are a more likely target for hackers.
There is one thing that almost all businesses have in common. And that is our reliance on technology.
The days of thinking that “this won’t happen to me” are over. These types of incidents are becoming more and more common and it is happening to small businesses all over the country.
Check out the Data Breach Calculator and see what the potential costs could be for your business.
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